vertigo treatment

What are vertigo?

Vertigo is a type of dizziness that can last for a short period of time (minutes) or can last for hours or even days. People who have vertigo have a false feeling of their surroundings moving or spinning. This is usually accompanied by a feeling of sickness (nausea) and a loss of balance. Vertigo is a symptom and not a condition in itself. In most cases there is a medical condition that causes vertigo. However, sometimes the cause is unknown.

The most common cause of vertigo is a problem with the inner part of the ear – for example, an infection or inflammation. When we move our head, the inner part of the ear tells us where our head is. It does this by sending signals to the brain and this helps us to keep our balance. If there are problems with the inner part of the ear then this causes us to feel sick and dizzy.


A sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving (vertigo) A loss of balance or unsteadiness. Nausea. Vomiting.
  • A new, different or severe headache.
  • A fever.
  • Double vision or loss of vision.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Trouble speaking.
  • Leg or arm weakness.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Falling or difficulty walking.


Vertigo is commonly caused by a problem with the way balance works in the inner ear, although it can also be caused by problems in certain parts of the brain. Causes of vertigo may include: benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) – where certain head movements trigger vertigo. migraines – severe headaches.

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Peripheral Vertigo

Vertigo is dizziness that is often described as a spinning sensation. It may also feel like motion sickness or as if you’re leaning to one side. Other symptoms sometimes associated with vertigo include:

  • loss of hearing in one ear
  • ringing in your ears
  • difficulty focusing your eyes
  • loss of balance

What are the types of peripheral vertigo?

BPPV is considered the most common form of peripheral vertigo. This type tends to cause short, frequent bouts of vertigo. Certain head movements trigger BPPV. It’s thought to be due to small pieces of anatomical debris breaking off from the inner ear canals and stimulating the small hairs that line your inner ear. This confuses your brain, producing the sensation of dizziness.

It causes dizziness or a feeling that you’re moving when you aren’t. An inner ear infection causes this form of vertigo. As a result, it often occurs along with other symptoms such as fever and earache. The infection is in the labyrinth, a structure in your inner ear that controls balance and hearing. A viral illness, such as a cold or flu, often causes this infection. A bacterial ear infection is also sometimes the cause.

Vestibular neuronitis is also called vestibular neuritis. This type of vertigo has a sudden onset and may cause unsteadiness, earache, nausea, and vomiting. Vestibular neuronitis is the result of an infection that has spread to the vestibular nerve, which controls balance. This condition usually follows a viral infection, such as a cold or flu.

It causes sudden vertigo that can last for up to 24 hours. The vertigo is often so severe that it causes nausea and vomiting. Meniere’s disease also causes hearing loss, ringing in your ears, and a feeling of fullness in your ears

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