CYST Excision
CYST Excision - A Cyst Removal Surgery
cysts are benign (non-cancerous) lumps of fatty tissue that sit just beneath the surface of the skin and contain air, fluid or semi-fluid material. In most cases patients will choose to have cysts surgically removed, especially if they’re in an aesthetically sensitive area or if they cause physical discomfort.
If you suspect that you may have a cyst, do not attempt to pick at it or burst it as if it were an ordinary pimple, as this can lead to infection…
What Happens If a Cyst is Left Untreated?
A cyst will continue to grow if left untreated, sometimes causing the lining to rupture. This creates a swelling of the adjacent tissue and overlapping skin. This resulting condition is commonly confused with an infection and is incorrectly addressed with medication such as antibiotics. Although cysts pose no immediate danger to your health, they can be quite painful if they become infected and their appearance can be a source of anguish, especially if they continue to grow.
How Are Cysts Removed?
All cysts are removed under local anaesthesia in our theatre rooms here at Skin Clinic Robina. Injections are made around the treated area and a careful incision is made in the skin that covers the cyst. The cyst wall is then meticulously sliced open and extracted, along with its contents. The resulting cavity is then sealed with stitches, which are left in for approximately 1 – 2 weeks. Generally, when cysts are surgically removed, they do not come back.
Are There Risks Involved with Sebaceous Cyst Removal Surgery?
Although considered minor surgery, cyst removal does still carry potential risks. These can include such things as scarring (can be treated with skin needling), infection and numbness at the site of the treated area. There’s also a remote possibility that an un-extracted remnant of the cyst wall will become buried inside the resulting scar tissue, which can in-turn lead to the cyst reappearing again.
Are There Alternatives to Sebaceous Cyst Removal Surgery?
Yes. Aside from surgery, it is possible to eliminate the sebaceous cyst by draining the fluid from it, but this method is not recommended as there’s a good chance that the cyst will return again.
How Do I Know If I Have a Sebaceous Cyst?
Our Doctor’s can diagnose if you have a sebaceous cyst, simply by examining the lump. If your doctor determines that the lump is abnormal, they may arrange for subsequent testsincluding x-ray or ultrasound.
What Are the Symptoms of Sebaceous Cysts?
A round lump that sits beneath the surface of the skin.
The lump varies in size, from about 1 cm – 5 cm in diameter
Swelling and soreness, a sign of inflammation or infection
A cyst is a sac-like pocket of membranous tissue that contains fluid, air, or other substances. Cysts can grow almost anywhere in your body or under your skin.
There are many types of cysts. Most cysts are benign, or noncancerous.
Whether a cyst needs treatment depends on a number of factors, including:
- the type of cyst
- the location of the cyst
- if the cyst is causing pain or discomfort
- whether the cyst is inflamed or infected

Our treatments
Lipoma excision
A lipoma is a slow growing lump filled with fat cells. An epidermal inclusion cyst is usually filled with a yellow, cheesy type skin material. The procedure is done in an outpatient procedure, usually under local anesthesia.
Most lipomas are removed surgically by cutting them out. Recurrences after removal are uncommon. Possible side effects are scarring and bruising. A technique known as minimal excision extraction may result in less scarring.
This treatment uses a needle and a large syringe to remove the fatty lump.
sebaceous cyst Excision
Ganglion Excision
Ganglion cyst removal is usually an outpatient procedure and may be performed under local or general anesthesia. Before surgery, your doctor may draw a line above the cyst to mark the incision location. During the surgery, your doctor numbs the treatment area and cuts along the line with a scalpel.
nail Removal
What do I need to know about nail removal?
Nail removal can prevent infection, decrease ingrown nail pain, and help the nail heal from an injury. You may need to have all or part of your nail removed.
How do I prepare for nail removal?
Your healthcare provider will talk to you about how to prepare for surgery. You may be told not to eat or drink anything after midnight on the day of your surgery. Your provider will tell you which medicines to take or not take on the day of your surgery. You may need to have someone drive you home and stay with you.
What will happen during nail removal?
- You will be given local anesthesia to numb the surgery area. A flat tool will be inserted under your nail to separate it from your skin. If only part of your nail needs to be removed, scissors will be used to cut your nail. Your nail will then be gently removed.
- You may need a matricectomy. This is when part of your nail matrix is destroyed so a small section of your nail stops growing. Your nail matrix is the area that your nail grows from. It is the pale or white color at the base of your nail. Most of the matrix cannot be seen because it is underneath your skin. A chemical, laser, or instrument may be used to destroy the nail matrix.
What will happen after nail removal?
Your healthcare provider may put antibiotic ointment and a bandage on your finger or toe. Your provider may want to look at your finger or toe again within 24 hours after your procedure. You may have yellowish drainage for 2 to 6 weeks after your procedure.
What are the risks of nail removal?
You may bleed more than expected or develop an infection. You may have damage to surrounding tissue. Your nail may look disfigured or you may have a scar. It make take longer than expected to heal.
Before and after photos of Chemical Peel

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